Chondrodendron tomentosum
Ruiz & Pav.
Botryopsis spruceana Eichler
Chondodendron hypoleucum Standl.
Chondodendron scabrum Miers
Chondrodendron cretosum Miers
Chondrodendron scabrum Miers
Chondrodendron tamoides Miers
Cocculus chondodendron DC.
Epibaterium tomentosum (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
Common Name: Pareira
Plant climbing into the surrounding vegetation
Photograph by:
©National Tropical Botanical Garden; used with permission
Leaves and flowers
Photograph by:
©National Tropical Botanical Garden; used with permission
Stem of a mature plant
Photograph by:
©National Tropical Botanical Garden; used with permission
Stems of a young plant, climbing into a tree
Photograph by:
©National Tropical Botanical Garden; used with permission
General Information
Pareira is a woody climbing plant with stems that are sometimes 10cm thick at its base and can climb up to 30 metres high into the canopy of the rainforest[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. Its large heart-shaped leaves have a soft silky underside made up of tiny white hairs, giving the plant the common name of velvet leaf[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
The plant is commonly gathered from the wild for local medicinal use and to make an arrow poison called curare[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. The plant is also gathered for use in both herbal and conventional medicine and is often exported for these purposes[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
Known Hazards
The root contains a number of alkaloids and is much used by the indigenous peoples of the region to make curare[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
]. This is not a true poison, rather an extremely powerful muscle relaxant that can make the victim unable to move for a considerable period.
Death from curare poison is caused by asphyxia, because the muscles become so relaxed that the muscles operating the diaphragm and lungs stop functioning. Interestingly, it only works if the poison gets into the bloodstream; ingesting curare poison (and even eating the meat of curare-poisoned animals) has no toxic effect since it isn't absorbed in the stomach[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
Botanical References
Northern S. America - Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama.
Not known
Medicinal Rating |      |
Habit | Climber |
Height | 30.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Not known
Edible Uses
None known
Pareira has long been used by local people both to make a poison used in hunting and also as a healing herb. Perhaps the main action of this plant is its muscle relaxant effect, but the alkaloids responsible for this are not absorbed by the digestive tract and have to be administered intravenously[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. Therefore, when taken orally the plant is considered safe for herbal use[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. In general, herbal use of the plant is mainly restricted to S. America[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
The root is considered to be a bitter tonic, emmenagogue, diuretic, febrifuge and relaxant[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
A root decoction is used to treat oedema, kidney stones, persistent urinary tract infections, prostatitis, and testicular inflammation[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
Externally it is used as a poultice for treating bruises, contusions, poisonous snake bites[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
In homeopathy the plant is used for inflammation of the urinary tract and enlarged prostate[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
The root is a rich source of alkaloids. The main alkaloid responsible for the muscle-relaxant actions is called d-tubocurarine. It works by blocking the signals in the brain which tell the muscles to move - thereby rendering the whole body immobile to the point of becoming virtually paralyzed. It’s not a toxin - and the effects generally wear off in about 90 minutes[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. The alkaloid is used in conventional medicine as a general anaesthetic and muscle relaxant in various types of surgeries (during which breathing can be controlled with machines)[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
D-tubocurarine is also used to treat tetanus (which causes uncontrollable muscle contractions throughout the body). And is also being evaluated for its role in blocking serotonin, reducing vomiting, alleviating drug withdrawal symptoms, and for its anti-anxiety effects[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
]. D-tubocurarine also stimulates the release of histamine which may cause lowered blood pressure due to relaxation of blood vessels[
318- Title
- Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
Other Uses
None known
Seed -
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