(Redirected from Stereospermum suaveolens)
Stereospermum chelonoides
(L.f.) DC.
There has been considerable confusion, especially in the literature[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
], between Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC. (often also known as Stereospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC); and Stereospermum tetragonum DC. (also known as Stereospermum colais (Buch.-Ham. ex Dillwyn) Mabb. & Stereospermum personatum (Hassk.) Chatterjee). This confusion continues to the present day, even to the extent of the same photograph being used to illustrate the two different species[
974- Title
- Encyclopedia of Tropical Plants - Identification and Cultivation of over 3,000 Tropical Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Ahmed Fayaz
- Publisher
- Firefly Books Ltd.; New Zealand
- Year
- 2011
- 978-1-55407-489
- Description
- A good photograph and terse but detailed information for over 3,000 species of tropical plants. An excellent reference.
It would seem that when the synonym Stereospermum suaveolens is used it refers to Stereospermum chelonoides, but when Stereospermum chelonoides is used, especially in older literature, it often refers to Stereospermum tetragonum.
The two species are very similar, the main differences include the flowers - those of Stereospermum chelonoides are said to be hairy, dark purple outside, streaked with yellow inside whilst those of Stereospermum tetragonum are glabrous, yellowish on the outside and cream inside[
2092- Title
- 22; Bignoniacées
- Publication
- Flore du Cambodge du Laos et du Viêtnam
- Author
- Santisuk T. & Vidal J.E.
- Publisher
- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- Year
- 1985
- 2-85654-175-5
- Description
We have tried to apply the various reports of usage of these plants into the correct records, though cannot be certain this has been done accurately. However, some of the literature on their medicinal applications say that they can be used interchangeably[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
Bignonia chelonoides L.f.
Bignonia gratissima J.Koenig ex DC.
Bignonia suaveolens Roxb.
Heterophragma chelonoides (L.f.) Dalzell & A.Gibson
Heterophragma suaveolens (Roxb.) Dalzell & A.Gibson
Hieranthes fragrans Raf.
Spathodea suaveolens (Roxb.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Stereospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC.
Tecoma suaveolens (Roxb.) G.Don
Common Name: Fragrant Padri-Tree
General Information
Stereospermum chelonoides is a large, deciduous tree growing 15 - 30 metres or more tall[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
]. The bole is tolerably erect, though not straight, it can be free of branches for up to 15 metres and up to 80cm in diameter[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
An important timber tree within its native range. The plant is also gathered from the wild in large quantities for local use as a food and medicine - being sold for medicinal use in markets[
2020- Title
- Trade in Indian Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Ethnobotany of India Vol 5., 321-345, 2018
- Author
- D.K.Ved, S.Noorunnisa Begum, & K.Ravi Kumar
- Publisher
- Apple Academic Press; Oakville, Canada
- Year
- 2018
- 978-1-77188-600-0
- Description
].. It is often grown as an ornamental, valued for its fragrant flowers[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
2092- Title
- 22; Bignoniacées
- Publication
- Flore du Cambodge du Laos et du Viêtnam
- Author
- Santisuk T. & Vidal J.E.
- Publisher
- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- Year
- 1985
- 2-85654-175-5
- Description
E. Asia - India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia.
Forest margins; at elevations up to 700 metres in Nepal[
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
]. Semi-deciduous forests and savannahs of low regions, sometimes reaching elevations of 800 - 1,200 metres[
2092- Title
- 22; Bignoniacées
- Publication
- Flore du Cambodge du Laos et du Viêtnam
- Author
- Santisuk T. & Vidal J.E.
- Publisher
- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- Year
- 1985
- 2-85654-175-5
- Description
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Deciduous Tree |
Height | 23.00 m |
Pollinators | Bees, Insects |
Cultivation Status | Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Stereospermum chelonoides is a plant of the moist subtropics and tropics, where it is found at elevations up to 1,300 metres. It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 24 - 32°c, but can tolerate 5 - 47°c[
]. When dormant, the plant can survive temperatures down to about -5°c, but young growth can be severely damaged at -1°c[
]. It prefers a mean annual rainfall in the range 1,200 - 2,500mm, but tolerates 750 - 3,800mm[
Grows best in a sunny position, tolerating light shade[
]. Succeeds in a wide range of well-drained soils[
]. In the wild it tends to become gregarious on clayey ground, but is by no means confined to such soil and is often found in abundance on sandy and gravelly soils[
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
]. Prefers a pH in the range 6 - 7, tolerating 5.5 - 7.5[
Young plants are capable of struggling well against weeds, but their development is much impeded thereby[
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
The seedlings are drought-resistant and are fairly tolerant of short-lived frosts ; in frosty localities they are occasionally killed back, but have good power of recovery[
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
Trees can survive forest fires[
]. It is one of the commonest trees to be seen in the savannah lands of India, apparently able to shoot up yearly in spite of fire, and to grow on into a tree if only a short period of immunity from fire can be obtained[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
The tree sometimes suckers very freely[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
The flowers are exquisitely fragrant[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
The tree regenerates very freely from seed in the wild[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
Edible Uses
The following reports on edibility are more likely to correctly refer to Stereospermum tetragonum rather than this species, though could equally apply to both species[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
]. See notes above on taxonomy.
Tender young fruit - cooked and eaten as a vegetable[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
Flowers - cooked and used as a vegetable[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
The juice of the bark is used to treat indigestion[
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
The bark is one of the ingredients of 'Dasamula' (‘ten barks’), a polyherbal medication commonly used in Ayurveda[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
The root and bark are used as a favourite tonic native medicine[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
A decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of intermittent and puerperal fevers, inflammatory affections of the chest[
2022- Title
- Indian Medicinal Plants; An Illustrated Dictionary
- Publication
- Author
- Khare C.P. (Ed.)
- Publisher
- Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg
- Year
- 2007
- 978-0-387-70637-5
- Description
The flowers are taken in the form of a confection as an aphrodisiac. The flowers pounded with honey are said to stop troublesome hiccough[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
Extracts of the plant contain lapachol[
2022- Title
- Indian Medicinal Plants; An Illustrated Dictionary
- Publication
- Author
- Khare C.P. (Ed.)
- Publisher
- Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg
- Year
- 2007
- 978-0-387-70637-5
- Description
]. Lapachol has exhibited cytotoxic activity[
2022- Title
- Indian Medicinal Plants; An Illustrated Dictionary
- Publication
- Author
- Khare C.P. (Ed.)
- Publisher
- Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg
- Year
- 2007
- 978-0-387-70637-5
- Description
The leaves contain the flavone 'stereolensin'[
2022- Title
- Indian Medicinal Plants; An Illustrated Dictionary
- Publication
- Author
- Khare C.P. (Ed.)
- Publisher
- Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg
- Year
- 2007
- 978-0-387-70637-5
- Description
Agroforestry Uses:
Bees are strongly attracted to the fragrant flowers[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
A useful tree for reclothing bare hill-sides, as may be seen in the Siwalik hills, and for restocking grassy blanks subject to frost. The winged seeds usually hang on the tree until just before the rainy season, then falling and able to travel some distance in the breeze before and germinating with the first rains. The seedlings usually compete well if growing in grassy areas[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
Other Uses
The ashes of the bark are used in preparing an alkaline ley and caustic pastes[
615- Title
- Pharmacographia Indica
- Publication
- Author
- Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai.
- Year
- 1890
- Description
- Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
The grey wood is hard, elastic, moderately durable, easy to work, takes a good polish, and finishes to a smooth surface[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
719- Title
- A Manual of the Timbers of the World
- Publication
- Author
- Howard A.L.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- MacMillan and Co.; London.
- Year
- 1934
- Description
- An excellent and comprehensive book on timbers. Rather dated, but still a main source of information for many of the less known woods. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
]. It is not attacked by insects but has low resistance to the weather[
2092- Title
- 22; Bignoniacées
- Publication
- Flore du Cambodge du Laos et du Viêtnam
- Author
- Santisuk T. & Vidal J.E.
- Publisher
- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- Year
- 1985
- 2-85654-175-5
- Description
]. Usually there is no heartwood[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
], though sometimes a small amount is formed that is yellowish brown and handsomely mottled[
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
]. The wood is moderately valuable, and can be used for making furniture, construction, tea boxes, canoes etc[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
719- Title
- A Manual of the Timbers of the World
- Publication
- Author
- Howard A.L.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- MacMillan and Co.; London.
- Year
- 1934
- Description
- An excellent and comprehensive book on timbers. Rather dated, but still a main source of information for many of the less known woods. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
An excellent fuel, the wood also makes a good charcoal[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
Seed - Usually germinates quite quickly, though only a small percentage of the seeds are viable. Seeds generally retain viability for less than 12 months[
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
Air layering