Dipterocarpus tuberculatus
Dipterocarpus cordatus Wall. ex A.DC.
Dipterocarpus grandifolius Teijsm. ex Miq.
Common Name:
Young tree growing at the Rama IX Royal Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Photograph by: Tony Rodd

General Information
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus is a deciduous tree, usually with a large but open crown, generally growing 15 - 25 metres tall, occasionally to 30 metres on good soils. The bole is short, cylindrical, straight but sometimes gnarled, generaly 40 - 60cm in diameter. The stem form is usually very good on good soils[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
The tree yields a resin and a valuable timber and is commonly harvested from the wild.
The plant is classified as 'Least Concern' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2011)[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
E. Asia - Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.
A canopy tree of forests on the plains and low hills[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
]. Open, dry, deciduous dipterocarp forests, developing pure stands or mixed with Dipterocarpus obtusifolius and Dipterocarpus intricatus, at elevations from 200 - 1,000 metres[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Conservation Status | Least Concern |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Deciduous Tree |
Height | 20.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
A plant of tropical monsoon climates, where it can be found at elevations up to 1,000 metres. It is found in areas with a dry season of 3 - 6 months[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Young trees grow best in the shade of the forest, but become increasingly light-demanding as they grow larger[
]. The plant is found in the wild on various soil types, but commonly on sandy soil. It grows very well on deep and fertile soils and is also found on acidic lateritic soils[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
]. Established plants are very drought tolerant[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Members of this genus generally only regenerate naturally in the shade of the forest. Seedlings and saplings can persist in dense forest shade for many years. In their first 2 years the young plants cannot tolerate major openings in the canopy, but after they are well established (about 120cm tall) the canopy can be opened up around them to speed up their growth[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Plants are very tolerant of forest fires[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Edible Uses
None known
The resin obtained from the tree is used in traditional medicine, where it is mixed with Feaula assafoetida and coconut oil as an external application for large ulcers[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Other Uses
A thick oleo-resin is obtained from the trunk[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
]. It is used traditionally for caulking boats and for making torches; whilst it can also be blended with paints[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
]. The resin is obtained by cutting a hole in the trunk near the base (about 90 - 150cm from the ground) and then dipping out the resin with a spoon as it collects there. To prolong the flow, a fire made from dead leaves or brushwood is made in the hole at intervals - this burns off the dried resinous film and allows the resin to flow again[
64- Title
- Vegetable Gums and Resins.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 81-88818-17-8
- Description
- A very good book dealing with the subject in a readable way.
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
Large mature leaves of young trees are used for thatching roofs. The leaves are not flammable, nor susceptible to insects, and can last for up to three years[
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
The heartwood is a dark, red-brown; it is clearly demarcated from the grey sapwood. The wood is heavy, hard, fairly durable. Generally easy to work, but difficult to polish. Of good quality, it is used in general construction, for making beams, boards, furniture, and for building boats[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
404- Title
- Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com
- Publisher
- www.digitalspecies.blogspot.com; Phnom Penh
- Year
- 2008
- Description
- A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
Seed -
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