Dipterocarpus baudii
Dipterocarpus duperreana Pierre ex Laness.
Dipterocarpus scortechinii King
Common Name:
Stem with pinkish-red new growth
Photograph by: Patrice Hugues
Public domain
Stem with pinkish-red new growth
Photograph by: Patrice Hugues
Public domain
Flower petals after falling to the ground
Photograph by: Patrice78500
Public domain
General Information
Dipterocarpus baudii is an evergreen tree; it can grow up to 30 metres tall. The bole can be free of branches for up to 20 metres, and up to 64㎝ in diameter[
701- Title
- Asean Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- Description
- Terse details, with photos, of many of the plants growing in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. Gives some details of plant uses along with a description of the plant and its range.
The tree is a commercial source of keruing timber and is commonly harvested from the wild for local use and trade. It also yields an oleo-resin, which is used locally.
The plant's native habitat, the lowland evergreen forests of South East Asia, have been greatly reduced by human activity. The plant is classified as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2013)[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
East Asia - Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia.
Rather rare and scattered in low-lying, well-drained or semi-swampy forests or on low hills; at elevations up to 800 metres[
701- Title
- Asean Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- Description
- Terse details, with photos, of many of the plants growing in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. Gives some details of plant uses along with a description of the plant and its range.
Conservation Status | Critically Endangered |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Tree |
Height | 25.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Not known
Edible Uses
None known
None known
Other Uses
The wood yields an oleo-resin which is collected only locally and is used for caulking boats and illumination[
701- Title
- Asean Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- Description
- Terse details, with photos, of many of the plants growing in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. Gives some details of plant uses along with a description of the plant and its range.
The oil is obtained by cutting a hole in the trunk near the base (about 90 - 150cm from the ground) and then dipping out the resin with a spoon as it collects there. To prolong the flow, a fire made from dead leaves or brushwood is made in the hole at intervals - this burns off the dried resinous film and allows the resin to flow again[
64- Title
- Vegetable Gums and Resins.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 81-88818-17-8
- Description
- A very good book dealing with the subject in a readable way.
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
The tree is a source of keruing timber[
701- Title
- Asean Tropical Plant Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- Description
- Terse details, with photos, of many of the plants growing in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. Gives some details of plant uses along with a description of the plant and its range.
]. We do not have specific information for this plant, but a general description of the wood is as follows:-
The heartwood is light red to red brown or purplish red brown; it is clearly demarcated from the 5 - 7cm wide band of sapwood. The texture is coarse; the grain straight or interlocked. The wood is moderately heavy to heavy; moderately hard; somewhat durable, being resistant to dry wood borers, fairly resistant to fungi but susceptible to termites. It seasons slowly, with a high risk of checking and distortion; once dry it is poorly stable to moderately stable in service. It has a high blunting effect on tools due to the presence of silica, stellite-tipped and tungsten carbide tools are recommended; some species are very resinous and can clog tools; there is occasional tearing on quartersawn wood; nailing and screwing are good, but require pre-boring; gluing is correct, but care is required because of the resin. A general construction timber, it is used in carpentry, panelling, joinery, floors, timber frame houses, boxes and crates, veneer etc[
848- Title
- Tropix 7
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://tropix.cirad.fr/en
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line guide to the timbers of 245 species of trees.
Seed -
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