Diospyros canaliculata
De Wild.
Diospyros bequaertii De Wild.
Diospyros cauliflora De Wild.
Diospyros chlamydocarpa Mildbr.
Diospyros kimba-kimba De Wild.
Diospyros mayumbensis Exell
Diospyros molundensis Mildbr.
Maba coriacea H.A.Cummins
Maba nutans Hiern
Common Name:
General Information
Diospyros canaliculata is an evergreen tree that can grow 5 - 20 metres tall. The bole can be straight or crooked, and is up to 20cm in diameter[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of dyes and wood.
Known Hazards
The bark-extract is strongly vesicant. It is a standard ingredient of arrow-poison mixtures in eastern Ivory Coast, and produces gangrene in the flesh around the wound facilitating penetration of other poisons in the mixture, especially of Mansonia spp (Sterculiaceae)[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The yellow fruit-pulp is caustic, oily and blackening in air. When rubbed on the skin it causes a burning sensation and turns the skin yellow. In Central African Republic it is put into arrow-poison compounds[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
A mixture of the fruit and leaves, combined with the root of Parquetina nigrescens, is cooked to a syrup to put on arrow and spear heads for elephant hunting. Death is said to be rapid. The antidote to this poison is to apply ground-nuts crushed with young shoots of tamarind in a poultice[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The fruit and sap are used as a fish-poison; the bark and seeds are similarly used[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
Botanical References
736- Title
- Flora of West Tropical Africa
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://plants.jstor.org/search?st=2025
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An online flora, not yet complet (2012). Very comprehensive as regards to species covered, but the information on each species is often rather terse.
West tropical Africa - Liberia to Cameroon, south to Congo and northern Angola.
Lowland evergreen rain-forest, and in relic forest in savannah areas[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Evergreen Tree |
Height | 17.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
The flowers are pleasantly fragrant[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
We have seen no individual confirmation for this species, but in general Diospyros species are dioecious and require both male and female forms to be grown if fruit and seed are required[
899- Title
- Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak Vols 1 - 6
- Publication
- Author
- Soepadmo E.; Saw L.G.; Chung R.C.K. (Editors)
- Publisher
- Forest Research Institute Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur.
- Year
- 2002
- 983-2181-27-5
- Description
- A flora of the woody plants of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo, often giving details of plant uses.
Edible Uses
None known
The bark-extract is strongly vesicant. The freshly pulped bark is used in the treatment of leprosy - its application causes a sharp blistering and the disappearance of the leprous maculae. Experimental work has not confirmed the efficacy of this, however[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
]. The bark is torrified and pounded with rock-salt and palm-oil to a paste which is then applied to points of pain over the ribs after scarification[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
A bark infusion from the twigs has been shown to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus, and has an antibiotic activity comparable with that of penicillin[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The bark is also active against Streptococcus and the diphtheria bacillus at a dilution of 1 - 2%. The active substance is plumbagine (hydroxy-methyl-naphthoquinone) present at 2.25% in the trunk-bark and 0.12% in the leaves[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
A tannin, a saponin and a substance identical with scopoletol are also reported present[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
Bark-infusions have been shown to kill Paramecium, cause excitation and paralysis in fish, death in mice and hypertension in dogs. The action of the leaf-extract is similar but less marked[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
A trace of alkaloid has been detected in the bark of Nigerian material[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
A root-decoction is taken in the treatment of constipation[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
Other Uses
The yellow fruit-pulp is caustic, oily and blackening in air. When rubbed on the skin it causes a burning sensation and turns the skin yellow, but nevertheless is used in Ubangi for tracing patterns on the skin which can last for several months[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The wood is light yellow or slightly pink when first cut, turning bright yellow upon exposure. It is hard and heavy. It is used for building and pit-props, and its resilience leads to its use as spear-shafts[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
The outer layers of bark are jet black, very hard and brittle. The inner bark is yellowish and when freshly cut emits a smell of egg-yolk, turning in the course of time to violet[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see http://www.aluka.org/
Seed - in general the seed of Diospyros species has a very short viability and so should be sown as soon as possible. The flesh should be removed since this contains germination inhibitors. Sow the seed in a shady position in a nursery seedbed. The sowing media for ebony uses soil and fine sand at the ratio 3:1. The seed is planted horizontally or vertically with the radicle end down, with a sowing depth of 1 - 1½ times the thickness of seed. Distance between the seeds is 3 - 5cm. Seeds are very sensitive to desiccation during germination and early growth, so must be regularly watered at this time. Normally the seed will germinate after one week[
As a rule fresh seeds have a high percentage of fertility. The seedlings develop long taproots at an early stage, often before any appreciable elongation of the shoot takes place. The growth of the seedling is decidedly slow [
652- Title
- The Silviculture of Indian Trees
- Publication
- Author
- Troup. R.S.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Oxford, at the Clarendon Press
- Year
- 1921
- Description
- An excellent treatment.
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