Afzelia bella
Common Name:
General Information
Afzelia bella is a variable plant with two main forms. The variety bella can be a shrub or a small tree from 2.5 - 11 metres tall with a bole 5 - 10cm in diameter; whilst the variety gracilior is a larger tree with a spreading crown, usually up to 25 metres but occasionally reaching 35 metres tall with a cylindrical bole that can be unbranched for 6 - 7 metres and up to 100cm in diameter[
328- Title
- African Flowering Plants Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques.
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Contains information on over 150,000 plant names (including synonyms) giving a description and habitat, plus a distribution map.
The tree produces a valuable timber and is commonly harvested from the wild, especially for export. The tree also supplies food and medicines for local use. A very ornamental plant, it is grown in villages and gardens, and to provide shade[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
Tropical Africa - Liberia to Cameroon, south to northern Angola and DR Congo.
Secondary wooded formations; firm-ground forests; more rare in flooded or gallery forests; (var. bella) in understorey of forest; at elevations up to 800 metres[
328- Title
- African Flowering Plants Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques.
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Contains information on over 150,000 plant names (including synonyms) giving a description and habitat, plus a distribution map.
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Tree |
Height | 15.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Although many species within the family Fabaceae have a symbiotic relationship with soil bacteria, this species is said to be devoid of such a relationship and therefore does not fix atmospheric nitrogen[
755- Title
- Nodulation Plants in GRIN Taxonomy
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An online database listing plants that have either positive or negative reports on root and stem nodulation with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Edible Uses
Fruit - raw[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
]. The fleshy pulp in the seedpod, surrounding the seeds, has a sweet flavour[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
]. Some caution is advised because the seed is poisonous[
375- Title
- Grassland Species - Profiles
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Terse information on over 650 species of plants that grow in grassland, including trees, shrubs and perennial plants as well as grasses. Gives a brief description of the plant, its range and habitat and some of its uses.
Tender young leaves - occasionally cooked and eaten as a vegetable[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
The plant (part not specified) is used as an antidote to treat venomous stings, bites, etc[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
The bark is used as an abortifacient and anodyne. It is used to treat conditions related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and skin[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
The leaves are laxative[
332- Title
- The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
- Publication
- Author
- Burkil. H. M.
- Publisher
- Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew.
- Year
- 1985 - 2004
- Description
- Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
Other Uses
The bark of most species in this genus is a source of tannins[
1309- Title
- The Leguminosae; A Source Book of Characteristics, Uses and Nodulation
- Publication
- Author
- Allen O.N.; Allen E.K.
- Publisher
- University of Wisconsin
- Year
- 1981
- 0-333-32221-5
- Description
- An amazing and comprehensive work, giving a brief guide to the many genera of the family Fabaceae and also the principle uses of the genus.
The heartwood is golden-brown to light red-brown, sometimes with darker veins; it is clearly demarcated from the 2 - 5cm wide band of sapwood. The texture is coarse; the grain straight or interlocked. The wood is light in weight, soft, durable to very durable, being resistant to termites and dry wood borers and very resistant to fungi. It seasons slowly, with a slight risk of checking or distortion; once dried it is stable in service. The wood is hard to cut, stellite-tipped and tungsten carbide tools are recommended; nailing and screwing are good, but pre-boring is recommended; gluing is correct for internal use; filling is recommended to obtain a good finish. The wood has a wide range of uses, including for ship building, construction, interior and exterior joinery and panelling, cabinetwork, cooperage, shingles etc[
848- Title
- Tropix 7
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line guide to the timbers of 245 species of trees.
Seed -
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