Terminalia catappa
Terminalia intermedia Bertero ex Spreng.
Terminalia latifolia Blanco Non Sw.
Terminalia mauritiana Blanco
Terminalia moluccana Lamk.
Common Name: Indian Almond
Cultivated tree with buttressed roots, growing in Calcutta, India.
Photograph by: Biswarup Ganguly
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Cultivated tree with buttressed roots, growing in Calcutta, India.
Photograph by: Biswarup Ganguly
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Trees growing right on the coast in Hawaii
Photograph by: Forest and Kim Starr
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Photograph by: Vinayaraj
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Fruiting branch
Photograph by: ??????
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Fruits at various stages of ripeness, one has been partially opened to reveal the fibrous and woody endocarp, and one has been sawn through to reveal the seed.
Photograph by: Staticd
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Young growth
Photograph by: Adityamadhav83
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
General Information
Terminalia catappa is a fast-growing deciduous or semi-evergreen tree, usually growing about 15 metres tall with specimens up to 40 metres recorded[
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
658- Title
- Food Plants of Papua New Guinea
- Publication
- Author
- French. B.R.
- Publisher
- Author.
- Year
- 2006
- Description
- Published on-line in PDF format, this book contains information on several hundred New Guinea food plants.
]. The canopy has a pagoda-like habit when young, but this becomes less noticeable as the tree ages and the branches elongate and droop at the tips[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The bole can be straight or twisted, it is generally set with short woody spines, can be 100 - 150cm in diameter and is often buttressed at the base with buttresses up to 3 metres high[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
407- Title
- BoDD (Botanical Dermatology Database)
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://bodd.cf.ac.uk/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Brief notes on a very wide range of plants that have reports of causing harm to the skin.
658- Title
- Food Plants of Papua New Guinea
- Publication
- Author
- French. B.R.
- Publisher
- Author.
- Year
- 2006
- Description
- Published on-line in PDF format, this book contains information on several hundred New Guinea food plants.
An important, multi-purpose tree, providing food, medicines and a host of other commodities. This is one of the most common trees of many tropical coasts[
307- Title
- Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
- Publication
- Author
- Barwick. M.
- Publisher
- Thames & Hudson, London
- Year
- 2004
- 0-500-51181-0
- Description
- A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
]. It is widely cultivated in the tropics, as a shade tree, for ornament and for its edible seeds[
63- Title
- Nuts.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable.
]. It is often planted in avenues as a shade-tree, for which it is suitable because of its very regular shape[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
]. The seeds are sold in local markets and are considered to have a significant commercial potential to a wider market[
1817- Title
- South Pacific Indigenous Nuts. ACIAR Proceedings No 69
- Publication
- Author
- Stevens M.L.; Bourke R.M. & Evans B.R.
- Publisher
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Canbe
- Year
- 1996
- 1 86320 175 0
- Description
- Proceedings of a workshop held from 31 October to 4 November 1994 at Le Lagon Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Known Hazards
Various species of biting and stinging ants have been found inhabiting hollow twigs on this tree[
407- Title
- BoDD (Botanical Dermatology Database)
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://bodd.cf.ac.uk/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Brief notes on a very wide range of plants that have reports of causing harm to the skin.
Botanical References
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
Africa - Maagascar; E. Asia - China, India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea to Australia and the Pacific.
A mid-canopy tree in areas just inland from ocean beaches, near river mouths, and on coastal plains. These areas are typically flat, but they may have dunes or rocky bluffs[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
653- Title
- Plants of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.asianplant.net/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Excellent site with brief information on the plant, its range, habitat and uses, plus phots of specimens, close-ops of flowers and leaves etc,
]. Sandy or rocky beaches[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Semi-deciduous Tree |
Height | 15.00 m |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Pollinators | Insects |
Cultivation Status | Cultivated, Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Plants grow best in the lowland tropics at elevations below 800 metres[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. It grows best in areas where the mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures are within the range 21 - 32°c, though it can tolerate 10 - 36°c[
]. It prefers a mean annual rainfall in the range 1,500 - 3,400mm, though can tolerate from 700 - 4,200mm[
Succeeds in any moderately fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny position[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. Prefers sands and loamy sands, though it also does well on silts, loam, and even clays if the drainage is good[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. Tolerates saline soils[
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
]. Prefers soil that are neutral to moderately alkaline and rich in bases, however it will also grow in strongly acid soils[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. A particularly useful plant for coastal gardens, being tolerant of salt spray[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. Established plants are drought tolerant[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. Prefers a pH in the range 5 - 7, but tolerates 4.3 - 8[
Plants are fast growing, often in excess of 1 metre a year when young[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
Trees can yield two crops a year in some areas, and in places have been known to exhibit more or less continuous fruiting[
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
]. A tree may yield around 5 kg of kernels per year[
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
There has been some selection in cultivating forms with larger seeds[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
The tree sheds its leaves all at once, quite suddenly, usually twice a year (January or February and
July or August). Unlike most tropical trees, the leaves turn first yellow, then vivid red before falling, giving a well-marked 'autumn colour'[
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
The inconspicuous flowers have a sweet, delicate fragrance[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Various species of biting and stinging ants have been found inhabiting hollow twigs on this tree[
407- Title
- BoDD (Botanical Dermatology Database)
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://bodd.cf.ac.uk/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Brief notes on a very wide range of plants that have reports of causing harm to the skin.
Edible Uses
Seed - raw or cooked[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The almond-flavoured seeds can be eaten out of hand or roasted[
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
]. They can be chopped and added to cookies, bread mixes, dessert fillings, sweets, soups and stews[
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
]. The seed contains about 50% oil[
63- Title
- Nuts.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable.
]. The seed is 3 - 4 cm long, 3 - 5 mm thick and enclosed in a thick shell that is difficult to crack[
63- Title
- Nuts.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable.
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
]. The seeds are a rich source of zinc[
658- Title
- Food Plants of Papua New Guinea
- Publication
- Author
- French. B.R.
- Publisher
- Author.
- Year
- 2006
- Description
- Published on-line in PDF format, this book contains information on several hundred New Guinea food plants.
The seeds yield 38 - 54% of a colourless, bland tasting yellow semi-drying oil that is used in cooking[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
]. Rather similar to almond oil, but less prone to become rancid[
63- Title
- Nuts.
- Publication
- Author
- Howes. F. N.
- Publisher
- Faber
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable.
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
345- Title
- Minor Products of Philippine Forests
- Publication
- Author
- Brown. W. H.
- Publisher
- Bureau of Forestry, Manilla.
- Year
- 1920
- Description
- A useful guide to some of the plants of the area, though terse on details. The book is out of copyright and can be legally downloaded from the Internet.
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
The fruits have a tender skin and a thin layer of subacid juicy flesh[
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
]. It is often fibrous and not very tasty in spite of the pleasant smell[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The sweetish, fibrous flesh is palatable when very young, and is usually liked by children[
307- Title
- Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
- Publication
- Author
- Barwick. M.
- Publisher
- Thames & Hudson, London
- Year
- 2004
- 0-500-51181-0
- Description
- A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
Various parts of the tree, such as the leaves and fruit, contain tannins and are astringent[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
459- Title
- The Useful Plants of the Island of Guam
- Publication
- Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol 9
- Author
- Safford W.E.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/
- Publisher
- Smithsonian Institute; Washington.
- Year
- 1905
- Description
- A very comprehensive, if rather dated, guide to the plants of Guam. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
The leaves, crushed with Dacrydium elatum and rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus, are combined to treat dysentery[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
The red leaves act as a vermifuge, while the sap of young leaves, cooked with oil from the kernel, is used to treat leprosy[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The juice of the leaves is ingested for coughs[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
]. An infusion of the leaves is used to treat jaundice[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
]. The leaves are used to treat indigestion[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
]. The young leaves are used to cure headaches and colic[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
Externally, the leaves may be rubbed on breasts to cure pain or, when heated, may be applied to numb parts of the body[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. They may be used as a dressing for swollen rheumatic joints[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The leaves, applied to the head and sides, are refreshing and sudorific[
582- Title
- Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.bpi.da.gov.ph/Publications/mp/mplants.html
- Publisher
- Bureau of Plant Industry, Philippines.
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An Internet site from the Philippines Department of Agriculture, giving information in a readable way on the medicinal uses of many plants in their area.
Leaves, bark and fruit are used to treat yaws[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
The bark and root bark are useful for bilious fever, diarrhoea, thrush, and as a remedy for sores and abscesses[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
]. The fluid from the bark is used to treat diabetes and as a tonic[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
]. An infusion of the bark is used to treat stomach ache and also as an emetic for infants[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
Externally, the bark is used to treat sores, pimples and fungal skin diseases[
311- Title
- Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
- Publication
- Author
- Publisher
- WHO Regional Publications, Manilla.
- Year
- 1998
- 92-9061-118-9
- Description
- Excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the Pacific Islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. A description of each plant, together with habitat and distribution is given.
The kernel of the fruit mixed with beeswax stops putrid exudation and bloody faeces. It is recommended as a mild laxative and a galactagogue for women, but too frequent use causes diarrhoea[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
Agroforestry Uses:
The tree’s vast root system binds together both sands and poor soils. It has a heavy leaf fall and so is a good provider of mulch for the protection of the soil[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. It is a promising species for the reforestation of sandy areas[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. Planting the tree can help eradicate Imperata cylindrica and other unwanted aggressive grasses[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
Other Uses
The trunk is a source of gum[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
The oil from the seed is used for making soap, but its industrial use is limited by the difficulty in extracting the kernel[
324- Title
- Edible Nuts.
- Publication
- Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
- Author
- Wickens G.E.
- Website
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/
- Publisher
- FAO, Rome.
- Year
- 1995
- 92-5-103748-5
- Description
- Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Bark, leaves, roots and fruit are all important sources of tannin with the astringent bark containing 9 - 23% tannin[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. The outer shell is also rich in tannin. It is used in leather preparation and as a base for inks; sometimes the roots and fruits are used for the same purposes[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
A black dye that is used to make ink is extracted from the bark and fruit[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
307- Title
- Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
- Publication
- Author
- Barwick. M.
- Publisher
- Thames & Hudson, London
- Year
- 2004
- 0-500-51181-0
- Description
- A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
A yellow-green dye is obtained from the leaves[
307- Title
- Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
- Publication
- Author
- Barwick. M.
- Publisher
- Thames & Hudson, London
- Year
- 2004
- 0-500-51181-0
- Description
- A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
The trunk is a source of yellow and black dye[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
Wood chips soaked in water give a yellow colour[
721- Title
- Commercial Woods of the Philippines; Their Preparation and Uses
- Publication
- Philippines Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 14
- Author
- Schneider E.E.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Bureau of Forestry; Manilla.
- Year
- 1916
- Description
- A series of booklets dealing with various aspects of the Philippine forests. This volume looks at the preparation and uses of the commercial woods of the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
A black dye is obtained from the fruit[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
The heartwood varies from light to dark brown to reddish brown, and often with irregular darker and lighter belts; it is not clearly demarcated from the lighter coloured sapwood. The texture is fine to coarse, the grain crossed and often curly and twisted. The wood is moderately hard; moderately heavy; strong and pliable; somewhat durable, but very susceptible to termite damage. It seasons well and works easily. A good quality timber, it is used for cabinet wook, furniture and for the construction of buildings, boats, bridges, floors, panelling, boxes, crates, planks, carts, wheelbarrows, barrels and water troughs[
146- Title
- A Manual of Indian Timbers.
- Publication
- Author
- Gamble. J. S.
- Publisher
- Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
- Year
- 1972
- -
- Description
- First written in the 19th century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
307- Title
- Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
- Publication
- Author
- Barwick. M.
- Publisher
- Thames & Hudson, London
- Year
- 2004
- 0-500-51181-0
- Description
- A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
451- Title
- Flora Malesiana Series 1
- Publication
- Author
- Various
- Website
- http://www.archive.org
- Publisher
- Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
459- Title
- The Useful Plants of the Island of Guam
- Publication
- Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol 9
- Author
- Safford W.E.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/
- Publisher
- Smithsonian Institute; Washington.
- Year
- 1905
- Description
- A very comprehensive, if rather dated, guide to the plants of Guam. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
721- Title
- Commercial Woods of the Philippines; Their Preparation and Uses
- Publication
- Philippines Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 14
- Author
- Schneider E.E.
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Bureau of Forestry; Manilla.
- Year
- 1916
- Description
- A series of booklets dealing with various aspects of the Philippine forests. This volume looks at the preparation and uses of the commercial woods of the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Seed - pre-soak for 24 hours in cold water[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. About 70% of ripe seed germinate in about 20 days[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
]. Seeds remain viable for a long time and germinate readily, even after floating in water for long distances[
303- Title
- World Agroforesty Centre
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.worldagroforestry.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.