Oldenlandia corymbosa
Hedyotis is a very problematic genus or group of genera. Neither the overall identity and limits of this lineage, nor the evolutionary patterns within it, are at all understood or delineated. Widely differing treatments have long been used in different regions and floras. The situation is far from resolution or even general consensus and so many authors treat the genus very broadly[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
]. In line with several recent (up to 2013) molecular and phylogenic studies, the Kew ‘World Checklist of Selected Plant Families’ has recognised a number of distinct genera and this is the treatment we are adopting here[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Gerontogea biflora (Lam.) Cham. & Schltdl.
Gerontogea corymbosa (L.) Cham. & Schltdl.
Gerontogea herbacea (DC.) Cham. & Schltdl.
Hedyotis alsinifolia R.Br. ex Wall.
Hedyotis biflora Hornem.
Hedyotis burmanniana R.Br. ex Wall.
Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.
Hedyotis depressa (Willd.) Roem. & Schult.
Hedyotis diantha Schult.
Hedyotis graminicola Kurz
Hedyotis hermanniana R.M.Dutta
Hedyotis intermedia Wight & Arn.
Hedyotis pseudocorymbosa Bakh.f.
Hedyotis pusilla Hochst. ex A.Rich.
Hedyotis ramose (Roxb.) Blume
Hedyotis scabrida Steud.
Hedyotis sperguloides A.Rich.
Oldenlandia alsinifolia G.Don
Oldenlandia biflora Lam.
Oldenlandia burmanniana G.Don
Oldenlandia caespitose (Benth.)
Oldenlandia capillaries DC.
Oldenlandia delicatula K.Schum.
Oldenlandia depressa Willd.
Oldenlandia herbacea DC.
Oldenlandia linearis DC.
Oldenlandia mollugoides O.Schwarz
Oldenlandia praetermissa Bremek.
Oldenlandia pseudocorymbosa (Bakh.f.) Raizada
Oldenlandia ramose Roxb.
Oldenlandia scabrida DC.
Oldenlandia subtilis S.Moore
Oldenlandia tenuissima Hiern
Common Name:
General Information
Oldenlandia corymbosa is an erect or prostrate, sparsely branched annual plant with stems up to 40cm long that sometimes root at the nodes[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
785- Title
- Medicinal Plants of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
- Publication
- Author
- Nguyen Van Duong
- Publisher
- Mekong Printing; Vietnam (Printers)
- Year
- 1993
- 0-9837303-1-2
- Description
- Published by the author, this is an excellent book on the medicinal attributes of plants growing in the area that used to be called Indo-China.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine and source of a dye. A popular herbal treatment in India, where it is harvested in large quantities from the wild and traded.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
500- Title
- Flora of Somalia
- Publication
- Author
- Thulin M. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Kew Publishing, London.
- Year
- 1993
- Description
- Detailed information on the plants of the region, often adding notes on the plants uses.
Widespread through tropical and subtropical Africa; Arabia, subtropical and tropical Asia to New Guinea.
Grassland with long or short grass, bushland, montane scrub, shallow soil on rocks, sandy river ridges, furrows and dry ponds on black-cotton soil, cultivated and disturbed ground, at elevations from sea level to 2,300 metres[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
Weed Potential | Yes |
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Annual |
Height | 0.20 m |
Pollinators | Insects |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
The plant has become a widely naturalized weed through the tropics and subtropics[
Edible Uses
Leaves - cooked[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
]. The tender young leaves and stems are cooked with other vegetables such as Amaranthus and Cucurbita species, and act as a softener for the other cooked vegetables[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
]. They are a rich source of vitamin C[
360- Title
- Philippine Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.stuartxchange.org/CompleteList.html
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
The leaves and stems can be burnt, the ash mixed with water then filtered, and the resultant liquid used as a tenderizer when cooking other vegetables[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
The leaves are pounded, soaked in warm water and the liquid drunk to treat stomach disorders[
398- Title
- Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
- Publication
- Author
- Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.
- Publisher
- Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi.
- Year
- 2002
- 9966-896-60-0
- Description
- A very well presented, simple guide to growing and utilizing wild food plants in Tanzania, with line drawings of each plant, a description, habitat and range, non-food as well as food uses, plus basic information on growing the plants.
They are used externally as a poultice to treat sores and sore eyes[
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://proseanet.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
The entire plant is used in decoction as an anthelmintic, antirheumatic, depurative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, pectoral and stomachic[
240- Title
- Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement).
- Publication
- Author
- Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C.
- Publisher
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Year
- 1986
- -
- Description
- Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://proseanet.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
360- Title
- Philippine Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.stuartxchange.org/CompleteList.html
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
785- Title
- Medicinal Plants of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
- Publication
- Author
- Nguyen Van Duong
- Publisher
- Mekong Printing; Vietnam (Printers)
- Year
- 1993
- 0-9837303-1-2
- Description
- Published by the author, this is an excellent book on the medicinal attributes of plants growing in the area that used to be called Indo-China.
]. In India, it is a common ingredient in mixtures used internally to treat remittent fevers, gastric irritation, nervous depression and as a tonic[
240- Title
- Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement).
- Publication
- Author
- Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C.
- Publisher
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Year
- 1986
- -
- Description
- Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://proseanet.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
]. It is also used to treat jaundice and other liver conditions[
240- Title
- Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement).
- Publication
- Author
- Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C.
- Publisher
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Year
- 1986
- -
- Description
- Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://proseanet.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
]. In Chinese medicine it is used to treat viral infections, cancer, acne, boils, appendicitis, hepatitis, eye problems and bleeding[
360- Title
- Philippine Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.stuartxchange.org/CompleteList.html
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
]. In Africa it is used to facilitate childbirth[
360- Title
- Philippine Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.stuartxchange.org/CompleteList.html
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
The juice of the plant is applied to the hands and feet to cool them when the patient has a fever[
240- Title
- Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement).
- Publication
- Author
- Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C.
- Publisher
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Year
- 1986
- -
- Description
- Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
The roots are reported to have vermifuge properties[
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://proseanet.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
]. They are often used as a tincture[
360- Title
- Philippine Medicinal Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.stuartxchange.org/CompleteList.html
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
The plant contains 0.12% of the alkaloids biflorine and biflorone, which are interconvertable, The content of biflorone increases in stored plants at the expense of biflorine[
240- Title
- Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement).
- Publication
- Author
- Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C.
- Publisher
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Year
- 1986
- -
- Description
- Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
Other Uses
The roots yield a green dye known as 'gerancine' after reatment with a mordant[
688- Title
- Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 68
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org
- Publisher
- Harvard University.
- Year
- 1987
- 0004-2625
- Description
- Various articles on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Seed -
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