Euclea racemosa
A variable plant, it has been divided into at least 6 subspecies[
328- Title
- African Flowering Plants Database
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques.
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Contains information on over 150,000 plant names (including synonyms) giving a description and habitat, plus a distribution map.
Euclea kellau Hochst.
Euclea mayottenis H.Perrier
Euclea schimperi (A.DC.) Dandy
Kellaua schimperi A.DC.
Common Name:
Fruiting branches
Photograph by: Abu Shawka
Public domain
Fruiting branches
Photograph by: Abu Shawka
Public domain
Flowering branches
Photograph by: Abu Shawka
Public domain
Flowering branches
Photograph by: Abu Shawka
Public domain
Being grown as a hedge
Photograph by: Abu Shawka
Public domain
General Information
Euclea racemosa is an evergreen, densely branched plant that ranges in habit from a small shrub 1.8 - 2.7 metres tall, to a moderate-sized tree that can be 12 metres tall[
308- Title
- Flora Zambesiaca
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online flora of plants from the Zambezi River basin. It lists a number of the plant uses as well as the habitats and botanical descriptions of the plants.
394- Title
- Flora Capensis
- Publication
- Author
- Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E.
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 1909
- Description
- Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
The tree is harvested from the wild for a range of local uses including food, medicine and timber. It is also grown as a hedge and planted in soil conservation and reforestation projects.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
308- Title
- Flora Zambesiaca
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online flora of plants from the Zambezi River basin. It lists a number of the plant uses as well as the habitats and botanical descriptions of the plants.
394- Title
- Flora Capensis
- Publication
- Author
- Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E.
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 1909
- Description
- Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
Eastern Africa - Egypt south to S. Africa, also on the Arabian Peninsula and Comoros.
Dry montane and dry lowland forest, thickets and grassland[
]. From near sea level to elevations of 1,525 metres[
308- Title
- Flora Zambesiaca
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent online flora of plants from the Zambezi River basin. It lists a number of the plant uses as well as the habitats and botanical descriptions of the plants.
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Evergreen Tree |
Height | 5.00 m |
Self-fertile | No |
Cultivation Status | Cultivated, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Plants can be coppiced[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
A dioecious species, both make and female forms need to be grown if fruit and seed are required.
Edible Uses
Edible fruit[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
]. The fruit is less than 1cm in diameter, it contains a single large seed surrounding a thin flesh[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
The roots are purgative[
Agroforestry Uses:
A pioneer species used for reforestation and soil conservation[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
The tree is used as a live fence, and for marking boundaries[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
]. It responds well to trimming and makes a good dense hedge[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Other Uses
A black dye is obtained from the roots[
The plant provides roofing material[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
]. No more details are given.
The branches are used as tooth brushes[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
The wood is hard and heavy[
394- Title
- Flora Capensis
- Publication
- Author
- Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E.
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 1909
- Description
- Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
]. It is sometimes employed by wheelwrights and turners, and also serves very well for wooden screws[
394- Title
- Flora Capensis
- Publication
- Author
- Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E.
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 1909
- Description
- Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
]. It burns very well and so is chiefly used as fuel[
394- Title
- Flora Capensis
- Publication
- Author
- Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E.
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 1909
- Description
- Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
Seed - no pre-treatment is necessary[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
The seed stores well in air-tight containers at room temperature[
396- Title
- Useful Trees and Shrubs in Eritrea
- Publication
- Author
- Bein. E.; Habte. B.; Jaber. A.; Birnie. A. & Tengnas. B.
- Publisher
- Regional Soil Conservation Unit: Nairobi
- Year
- 1996
- 9966-896-24-4
- Description
- A very well written and concise guide to almost 200 species. It gives a brief description of each plant together with its habitat, uses, propagation and cultivation. Line drawings of each plant are also included It can be downloaded from the internet
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