Carissa carandas
Arduina carandas (L.) K.Schum.
Carissa salicina Lam.
Echites spinosus Burm.f.
Jasminonerium carandas Kuntze
Jasminonerium salicinum (Lam.) Kuntze
Common Name: Karanda
Cultivated fruiting shrub in Indonesia.
Photograph by: Sakurai Midori
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Cultivated fruiting shrub in Indonesia.
Photograph by: Sakurai Midori
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Fruiting branches
Photograph by: Primejyothi
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Ripe fruits
Photograph by: Michael Hermann
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Photograph by: Adityamadhav83
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
General Information
Karanda is a climbing shrub or small tree usually growing 3 - 5 metres tall[
335- Title
- Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
- Publication
- Author
- Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
- Publisher
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Year
- 1987
- Description
- A booklet giving terse details of almost 300 species of edible fruits, plus regional lists of Botanical and Common names for over 2,500 less well-known edible fruits of the tropics.
]. The stems are armed with simple or branched, sharp spines[
Very attractive when in fruit, the plant is often grown in the garden both as an ornamental and for its fruit in tropical and subtropical areas[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. It is not usually grown commercially[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
E. Asia - India, Bangladesh.
Dry, sunny places to elevations of 1,000 metres in Nepal[
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
Edibility Rating |      |
Medicinal Rating |      |
Other Uses Rating |      |
Habit | Shrub |
Height | 4.00 m |
Cultivation Status | Cultivated, Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
A plant of subtropical to tropical areas, where it is found at elevations up to metres. It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 23 - 30°c, but can tolerate 16 - 34°c[
]. It can be killed by temperatures of -2°c or lower[
]. It prefers a mean annual rainfall in the range 1,000 - 1,400mm, but tolerates 700 - 2,700mm[
Succeeds in full sun and in dappled shade[
]. Prefers a medium-acid soil[
335- Title
- Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
- Publication
- Author
- Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
- Publisher
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Year
- 1987
- Description
- A booklet giving terse details of almost 300 species of edible fruits, plus regional lists of Botanical and Common names for over 2,500 less well-known edible fruits of the tropics.
]. Prefers a pH in the range 6.5 - 8, tolerating 6 - 8.5[
Plants take about 3 years to come into bearing from seed, 1 - 3 years from cuttings[
335- Title
- Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
- Publication
- Author
- Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
- Publisher
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Year
- 1987
- Description
- A booklet giving terse details of almost 300 species of edible fruits, plus regional lists of Botanical and Common names for over 2,500 less well-known edible fruits of the tropics.
Plants can flower all year round[
335- Title
- Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
- Publication
- Author
- Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
- Publisher
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Year
- 1987
- Description
- A booklet giving terse details of almost 300 species of edible fruits, plus regional lists of Botanical and Common names for over 2,500 less well-known edible fruits of the tropics.
Edible Uses
Fruit - raw or cooked[
301- Title
- Cornucopia II
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications, California.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-9628087-2-5
- Description
- The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
]. Very sour at maturity but it is sourish sweet when fully ripe[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. It can be eaten raw or stewed with sugar[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. In Thailand it is mainly used as pickles, however, it can also be made into jam, jellies and puddings. Furthermore, the fruit is also used to make beverages, curries and tarts[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. The purple to blackish, globose to broad ovoid fruit is about 10 - 25mm long[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
The fruits are astringent, antiscorbutic and also used as a remedy for biliousness[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
A leaf decoction is used against fever, diarrhoea, and earache[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
The roots serve as a stomachic, vermifuge and remedy for itches[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
Agroforestry Uses:
The plant responds well to trimming and is frequently grown as a hedge[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. With its sharp spines, it makes an excellent barrier[
272- Title
- Plants and People of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Manandhar. N. P.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 2002
- 0-88192-527-6
- Description
- Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
Other Uses
The roots are used as an insect repellent[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
A white latex is found in the plant[
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
The wood is hard and is used to make small utensils[
306- Title
- Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
- Publication
- Author
- Suranant Subhadrabandhu
- Website
- Publisher
- F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
- Year
- 2001
- Description
- A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand. The report can be downloadd as a PDF from the internet.
]. It is used for making household furniture and for turning[
335- Title
- Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
- Publication
- Author
- Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
- Publisher
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Year
- 1987
- Description
- A booklet giving terse details of almost 300 species of edible fruits, plus regional lists of Botanical and Common names for over 2,500 less well-known edible fruits of the tropics.
Seed -
Cuttings. Can be difficult[
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
Air layering[
377- Title
- Trade Winds Fruit
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- The on-line catalogue of a company selling seeds. Gives descriptions, photos and uses of a very wide range of fruit and other food-producing plants plus ornamentals.
]. Can be difficult[
310- Title
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- Lots of information on the uses of the plants of SE Asia.
If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. Comments have to be approved before they are shown here.